If you’re one of my close friends, you’d know by now that I’m a HUGE fan of Glossier.
It was May 2016 when I bought my first ever glossier product – the balm dot com trio set. I selected the mint, cherry and rose balm dot coms. These lip balms are like the modern day chapsticks but for cool girls (not saying I’m cool, although I kinda am, no I’m just kidding but you get me, right?). Anyway, back to the story, ever since I got them in my door step, I completely got hooked with the brand: its products, its story, its approach with its customers, its development over the years, its appeal, its look, in short —everything about it. I was completely hooked, head over heels even. Head over heels for it that I have all their products and I’ve tried them all. So over the years that I see their newsletter or updates pop up in my Instagram or e-mail, I’d get so giddy and proud of the company and for some weird reason, I feel like I’m part of them too, even though I’m obviously not. Another thing that impresses me about the brand is its rapid evolution and how it just keeps getting better, and right when I thought it has reached its peak, it aims for something higher and they keep reaching it no matter what.

I really just want to thank this brand for becoming my inspiration and motivation to get serious with skin care. It was this brand that strengthened my passion in this field. In fact, Glossier pushed me to take skin care so seriously that right now, I have a career about it! It’s just crazy how looking back I only dreamt of coming to their original store in NYC (let alone, going to NYC!!!) and I only just dreamt of being a licensed facialist/ esthetician. But here I am, writing as an esthetician who just recently visited Glossier’s NYC show room (and I’ve been to their Melrose Ave. showroom as well!). How amazing is that?

I’m far from where I ultimately want to be but I guess my point is that dreams can come true when you want it to. When you work for it to happen.
They don’t just happen, YOU make it happen.
All you need is a nudge, may it be from someone or from something. In my case, it was from Glossier. So thank you, Glossier. Thank you, Emily Weiss. I am indeed having a nice day. ☺︎
*For those of you who have no idea on what Glossier is, you’re definitely missing out! Click the link, explore their website and enjoy 10% off c/o yours truly: